How Long Does It Take To Achieve Beautiful Highlights at a Hair Salon?


Enhancing your hair with highlights can be a transformative experience, adding depth and dimension to your locks. However, a question that often arises is, "How long does it take to get highlights done at a salon?" In this article, we will explore the factors that influence the duration of the highlighting process, provide an overview of the hair-dying process, and offer tips on how to maintain your highlights for lasting results.

How Long Does It Take To Get Highlights?

Getting highlights at a salon typically ranges from 2 to 3 hours. However, it is important to remember that this timeframe is an approximation and can vary depending on several factors.

Factors Influencing the Duration

1. Hair Length and Natural Color

Your hair's length and natural colour significantly determine how long it takes to achieve the desired highlights. 

If you have long and thick hair, the process may take slightly longer than those with shorter hair. Also, dark or light natural hair colours can impact the time needed for colour transformation.

2. Technique Chosen

Different highlighting techniques, such as basic highlights, balayage, ombre, or foiling, require different amounts of time. Basic highlights may be quicker to apply, while balayage or ombre techniques often involve more intricate application methods and may take longer. 

Discussing your desired technique with your hair colorist during the consultation will give you a better understanding of the time required.

3. Experience Level of the Stylist

The experience level of your stylist can also affect the duration of the highlighting process. Skilled and experienced stylists are often more efficient in their application techniques, potentially reducing the overall time needed to achieve your desired results. It's worth considering the expertise of your chosen stylist when estimating the duration.

Hair Colorist Consultation

A crucial step in determining the processing time for your highlights is consultation with your hair colorist. During this consultation, you will discuss your desired colour, the technique used, and any concerns or limitations you may have. 

This conversation will help you and your colorist understand the specific requirements and estimate the time needed for the entire process.

Different Highlighting Techniques Based on Hair Type and Length

Hair types and lengths may require specific highlighting techniques to achieve the best results. When recommending the most suitable method, your hair colorist will consider factors such as hair thickness, texture, and desired outcome. For example, foiling or baby lights may be ideal if you have shorter hair. 

In comparison, balayage or ombre techniques may work better for longer hair. These techniques may vary in terms of time needed for application and processing, so discussing your hair type and length during the consultation is essential for an accurate duration estimation.

Hair Type, Hair Length, and Porosity

The characteristics of your hair, such as type, length, and porosity, can also impact the time required for the highlighting process. Fine hair may process more quickly than thicker hair, while longer hair may need additional time for complete saturation. 

Moreover, highly porous hair absorbs colour more rapidly, potentially reducing the processing time. Understanding these hair elements will help your colorist determine the appropriate duration and ensure optimal results.

The Hair Dying Process

The hair-dying process begins after the consultation and the highlighting technique are chosen. This typically involves several steps, including bleaching, toning, rinsing, and drying.

Bleaching: If your natural hair colour is significantly darker than the desired highlight shade, bleaching may be necessary to lighten your hair. The duration of the bleaching process can vary depending on factors such as your hair's starting colour and its natural pigmentation.

Toning: After the bleaching process, toning is often done to achieve the desired highlight shade or to neutralize any brassiness. This step helps create a cohesive and harmonious look. The time needed for toning can depend on the specific product used and the desired result.

Rinsing & Drying: Once the dyeing process is complete, your hair will be rinsed thoroughly to remove any excess product. Afterward, your hair will be dried, either naturally or with the help of a blow dryer, to reveal the final result.

Approximate Time Spent on the Dying Process

While the exact timing may vary depending on the factors mentioned above, the actual time spent on the dyeing process is typically around 1 to 2 hours. 

This includes applying the colouring products, processing time, rinsing, and drying. The overall duration may be influenced by the complexity of the chosen highlighting technique, the length and thickness of your hair, and your hair's natural pigmentation.

How to Take Care Of Your Highlights

Proper maintenance is crucial to ensure that your highlights last and maintain their vibrant appearance. Here are some tips to help you take care of your highlights:

  1. Washing: Use colour-safe shampoo and conditioner specifically formulated for coloured hair to prevent colour fading. Avoid using hot water as it can strip the colour from your hair.

  2. Colour-safe Products: Opt for hair products that are specifically designed for colour-treated hair. These products help retain the vibrancy of your highlights and protect them from damage.

  3. Hair Treatments: Regularly nourish your hair with moisturizing hair masks or treatments to keep it healthy and prevent dryness or breakage.

  4. Avoiding Heat Styling: Excessive heat styling can cause damage to your highlights. Minimize heated tools such as straighteners and curling irons, or use them to protect your hair in a lower heat setting.

  5. Protecting Hair While Sleeping: Use a silk or satin pillowcase to prevent friction and minimize damage to your highlights while you sleep.

  6. Scheduling Touch-Ups: Keep track of when your highlights start to fade and schedule regular touch-ups with your hair colorist to maintain their fresh appearance.


Achieving beautiful highlights at a salon is a meticulous process that requires time, expertise, and proper care. The duration of the highlighting process can vary depending on factors such as hair length, natural colour, chosen technique, and hair type. 

Building an open and communicative relationship with your hair colorist during the consultation is essential for estimating the duration accurately. 

Additionally, correctly maintaining your highlights, using colour-safe products, and avoiding heat styling can help prolong their lifespan. Remember, the journey to gorgeous highlights requires patience and commitment, but the result is undoubtedly worth it.

Salon Haze is an award-winning hair salon in Vancouver, Kitsilano area. We are specialists in colour and style. If you are considering a new colour or style for your hair, contact us, and we’ll talk you through all the options to ensure your choice of colour reflects your personality and complexion.

Call today for a free consultation with one of our stylists. We have the best hairdressers and the best hair colourists in Vancouver. Call now at 604-620-9986 or email us at

David McAlinden