Shield Your Colored Hair From Chlorine: Swim With Confidence!


Swimming is a fun and refreshing activity, especially during hot summer days. However, it can be damaging to your hair, particularly if you have coloured hair. Chlorine found in most swimming pools can strip the colour from your hair, leaving it looking dull and lifeless.

But don't worry, there are simple steps you can take to protect your coloured locks while still enjoying a dip in the pool. In this guide, we'll discuss how chlorine affects coloured hair and provide some tips on how to protect hair.

How Chlorine Affects Coloured Hair

Chlorine is a common disinfectant used in swimming pools to kill bacteria and keep the water clean. However, it can also have damaging effects on your hair, especially if it's coloured. When chlorine comes into contact with your hair, it strips away the natural oils that protect and nourish your strands. This leaves them dry, brittle and more prone to breakage.

In addition, chlorine can also cause chemical reactions with the colour molecules in your hair, resulting in fading or even a greenish tint. This is particularly common in blonde hair or light-coloured hair.

Moreover, chlorine can weaken and damage the protein structure of your hair, making it more vulnerable to other external factors such as sun exposure and heat styling. This can lead to split ends, frizziness and overall dullness of your hair.

Now that we know how chlorine affects coloured hair, let's discuss some ways to protect it from the damaging effects of chlorine.

Steps To Protect Coloured Hair From Chlorine

There are a few simple steps you can take to minimize the damage caused by chlorine to your coloured hair:

Wet Your Hair Before Swimming

Before diving into the pool, make sure to wet your hair with clean water. This will help to prevent chlorine from seeping into your strands and minimize its damaging effects. Wetting your hair beforehand also helps to create a barrier between your coloured locks and the chlorinated water.

Also, make sure your hair is thoroughly saturated with water before entering the pool. If your hair is already wet, it will absorb less chlorine than dry hair. And don't forget to rinse your hair with clean water after swimming to remove any remaining chlorine.

Apply a Protective Hair Product

Investing in a protective hair product is essential for keeping your coloured hair healthy and vibrant. Look for products specifically designed to protect against chlorine, such as leave-in conditioners or serums. These products create a barrier between your hair and the chlorine, preventing it from stripping away the colour.

You can also opt for natural oils like coconut or argan oil to protect your hair. These oils not only provide a protective layer but also nourish and hydrate your hair, making it less prone to damage.

Wear a Swim Cap

Wearing a swim cap is the most effective way to protect your coloured hair from chlorine. A swim cap creates a physical barrier between your hair and the pool water, preventing any contact with chlorine. It also helps to keep your hair dry, reducing its exposure to chlorine.

If you're not a fan of traditional swim caps, you can try out silicone or lycra caps that are more comfortable and less constricting. Just make sure to properly secure your swim cap to prevent any water from seeping in.

Rinse Your Hair After Swimming

Rinsing your hair with clean water immediately after swimming is crucial for removing chlorine and other pool chemicals.

Use lukewarm or cool water, as hot water can open up the cuticles of your hair, making it more vulnerable to damage. This step is especially important for those with blonde or light-coloured hair, as they are more prone to developing a green tint from chlorine exposure.

Use a Clarifying Shampoo

Using a clarifying shampoo once a week can help to remove any residual chlorine or other chemicals from your hair. Look for shampoos that are specially formulated to remove build-up from chlorine and other pool chemicals.

However, be careful not to use clarifying shampoos too often as they can strip your hair of its natural oils and cause dryness. It's best to follow up with a deep conditioning treatment after using a clarifying shampoo.

Deep Condition Regularly

As mentioned earlier, chlorine can strip away the natural oils from your hair, leaving it dry and brittle. To combat this, make sure to deep condition your hair regularly. This will help to replenish moisture and repair any damage caused by chlorine.

You can use store-bought deep conditioning treatments or create your own DIY mask using natural ingredients like honey, avocado, or olive oil. Leave the treatment on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off for best results.

Limit Chlorine Exposure

Last but not least, limiting your exposure to chlorine is essential for protecting your coloured hair. This means avoiding long hours of swimming in chlorinated pools and opting for natural water sources like lakes, rivers, or the ocean.

If you do swim in a chlorinated pool frequently, make sure to follow the above steps diligently and give your hair a break from chlorine exposure once in a while. This will allow your natural oils to replenish and prevent long-term damage to your coloured locks.

And there you have it, a comprehensive guide on how to protect your coloured hair from chlorine. By following these simple steps and taking proper precautions, you can enjoy swimming without worrying about damaging your beautiful locks.

Why It's Important to Protect Your Coloured Hair

Protecting your coloured hair from chlorine is not just about maintaining its vibrant appearance, but also ensuring its overall health. Coloured hair requires extra care and attention, and exposing it to chlorine can undo all the hard work you put into dyeing it.

Moreover, constantly exposing your coloured hair to chlorine can lead to long-term damage, making it more prone to breakage and other hair problems. By taking the necessary steps to protect your hair from chlorine, you can maintain its strength, shine, and colour for longer periods of time.

Also, let's not forget about the financial aspect of it. Dyeing your hair can be an expensive process, and having to redo it frequently due to chlorine damage can add up quickly. So by protecting your coloured hair from chlorine, you can save yourself some money in the long run.

Mistakes to Avoid

While we've discussed the steps you can take to protect your coloured hair from chlorine, it's also important to know what not to do. Here are some common mistakes people make when it comes to protecting their coloured hair from chlorine:

  • Skipping the pre-swim rinse: As mentioned earlier, wetting your hair with clean water before entering the pool is crucial for preventing chlorine damage. Make sure not to skip this step.

  • Not using a leave-in conditioner or protective product: Protective products like leave-in conditioners create a barrier between your hair and chlorine. Skipping this step can leave your hair vulnerable to damage.

  • Using hot water to rinse: Hot water can open up the cuticles of your hair, making it more susceptible to chlorine damage. Use cool or lukewarm water instead.

  • Not deep conditioning regularly: Deep conditioning treatments help to repair and nourish coloured hair that has been exposed to chlorine. Skipping this step can lead to dry, brittle hair.

  • Exposing coloured hair to chlorine too frequently: As mentioned earlier, limiting your exposure to chlorine is important for maintaining the health and vibrancy of your coloured hair. Try to give your hair a break from chlorine once in a while.

  • Not using a swim cap: A swim cap is the most effective way to protect your coloured hair from chlorine. Not using one can leave your hair completely exposed to chlorine, leading to damage and discolouration.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following the steps discussed in this guide, you can protect your coloured hair from chlorine and enjoy swimming without any worries.


How can I protect my Colour-treated hair from the harsh chlorine in pool water?

Protect your Colour-treated hair by thoroughly wetting it with clean water before entering the pool. This prevents your hair from absorbing too much chlorinated water. Applying a leave-in conditioner to damp hair can also create a protective barrier. For added security, wear a swimming cap while you swim.

What steps should I take to prevent my blonde or bleached hair from turning green after swimming?

To prevent blonde or bleached hair from acquiring a green tint due to chlorine exposure, rinse your hair with clean, cold water before and after swimming. Using a sulfate-free shampoo that's formulated for coloured hair can help remove any chlorine residue without stripping hair dye. Regularly applying a nourishing hair mask can also restore moisture and shine.

Can wetting my hair before entering a chlorinated pool really help protect my hair Colour?

Yes, wetting your hair with clean water before diving into a chlorinated pool can significantly protect your hair Colour. Wet hair is less likely to absorb chlorinated pool water, which helps in preserving the hair dye and preventing chlorine damage. For additional protection, consider applying a silicone-based hair product to create a stronger barrier.

Are there specific products recommended to protect coloured hair from chlorine damage while swimming?

For individuals with colored hair, using products specifically designed to combat chlorine's effects is crucial. Look for hydrating conditioners, treatment masks, and sulfate-free shampoos that cater to color-treated hair. These products help in maintaining hair color, preventing green hair syndrome in blond hair, and ensuring bleached hair remains healthy. Additionally, investing in a good quality swimming cap can effectively prevent chlorine-damaged hair.


Chlorine can be a nightmare for coloured hair, but with the right precautions and care, you can minimize its damaging effects. By following the steps mentioned in this guide and avoiding common mistakes, you can protect your coloured locks and maintain their vibrant appearance for longer periods of time.

Remember to rinse your hair after swimming, use protective products, deep condition regularly, and limit your exposure to chlorine. With these simple steps, you can enjoy swimming without worrying about damaging your beautiful coloured hair.

So go ahead and make a splash! Keep following this guide and keeping your coloured hair safe from the harmful effects of chlorine! Happy swimming!

Salon Haze is an award-winning hair salon in Vancouver, Kitsilano area. We are specialists in colour and style. If you are considering a new colour or style for your hair, contact us, and we’ll talk you through all the options to ensure your choice of colour reflects your personality and complexion.

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David McAlinden