How To Stop Hair Fall Out After Hair Color


Are you experiencing hair fall after coloring your hair? If so, you’re not alone! Coloring is an extremely popular trend right now, but it can also be damaging if done incorrectly. That's why we're here to help - in this blog post, we'll show you all the tips and tricks you need to know about how to stop hair fall after hair color.

Whether it’s insufficient protection before coloring your hair shaft or products that have failed to nourish damaged strands - our advice will guarantee healthier results for your future colored manes. Keep reading to get started on stronger and more vibrant locks!

Why Does Hair Fall Out After Coloring?

Hair fall after hair coloring is a common problem, but it’s not always easy to understand why hair breakage. There are a few main causes that can lead to this issue:

  • Chemicals in hair dye: Some chemicals present in hair dyes, such as ammonia and peroxide, can be very harsh on the scalp and hair follicles. This can cause irritation and damage, leading to hair fall.

  • Incorrect application: If the dye is not applied correctly or left on for too long, it can also cause damage to the hair follicles and result in hair fall.

  • Lack of proper nourishment: Coloring your hair can strip it of its natural oils and nutrients, leaving it dry and brittle. This can make your hair more prone to breakage and hair fall.

  • Allergic reaction: Some people may have an allergic reaction to certain ingredients in the hair dye, which can cause scalp irritation and hair loss.

  • Underlying scalp conditions: Certain scalp conditions, such as dandruff or psoriasis, can be aggravated by hair coloring and lead to hair fall.

Now that you know the main causes of hair fall after hair color, let’s dive into some tips on the hair loss and how to prevent it.

How To Stop Hair Fall After Coloring Your Hair

There are many things you can do to minimize hair fall after coloring your hair. Here are our top tips:

Start by using a mild shampoo

Using a gentle shampoo that is made for colored hair can help prevent further damage and nourish your hair. Look for shampoos with ingredients like keratin, argan oil, and vitamin E to strengthen and protect your hair strands too.

Also, make sure to wash your hair thinning with lukewarm water instead of hot water, as hot water can strip your hair of its color and natural oils.

Use a deep conditioning treatment

Coloring can dry out your hair, so it's important to replenish the moisture lost during the coloring process. A deep conditioning treatment once or twice a week can help restore moisture and strengthen your hair. Look for products with keratin, coconut oil, or shea butter as these ingredients are great for nourishing damaged hair.

Additionally, you can also try using hair masks or leave-in conditioners for extra nourishment. PLus, these products also help to protect your colored hair from external damage.

Avoid using a lot of heat styling tools

Heat styling tools can be very damaging to your hair, especially if used frequently. This is even more true for colored hair, which is already more prone to damage. Try to air dry your hair whenever possible and use heat protectant products before using any hot tools. Plus, try to limit the use of hair styling tools to once or twice a week instead of every day.

Consider using henna or natural dyes instead of chemical ones

If you're experiencing severe hair fall after coloring your hair, it might be worth considering switching to more natural dye options. Henna is a popular choice as it not only colors your hair but also nourishes it. Other natural hair dyes, such hair colors such as indigo and hydrogen peroxide, can also give your hair a beautiful color without damaging it.

Consult a professional

If you're not experienced with coloring your own hair, it's always best to consult a professional before attempting it at home. They can assess the health of your hair and recommend the best coloring options for you. Plus, they can also provide tips on minimizing hair fall after coloring permanent hair.

Maintain a healthy diet

Eating a balanced diet with plenty of vitamins and minerals is crucial for healthy hair growth. Make sure to include foods rich in protein, iron, and biotin in your meals to strengthen your hair from the inside out. Additionally, reducing stress and getting enough sleep can also help promote healthy hair growth.

How To Take Care of Colored Hair

Aside from preventing hair fall after coloring, it's also important to take care of your colored hair to maintain its vibrancy and promote hair health too. Here are some general tips for taking care of colored hair:

  • Use color-safe products: To prevent your only natural hair colors from fading, make sure to use shampoos, conditioners, and styling products specifically designed for colored hair.

  • Avoid sun exposure: The sun's UV rays can cause your hair color to fade, so make sure to protect your hair with a hat or a leave-in conditioner with SPF before heading out.

  • Get regular trims: Trimming your hair regularly (every 6-8 weeks) can help get rid of split ends and prevent further damage.

  • Avoid harsh treatments: Chemical treatments, such as bleaching or perming, can be very damaging to colored hair. Try to avoid these treatments or at least give your hair a break in between.

  • Be gentle with wet hair: Wet hair is more prone to damage, so make sure to handle it gently and avoid brushing or pulling on it too harshly.

Mistakes To Avoid After Coloring Your Hair

In addition to taking precautionary measures, there are also some common mistakes you should avoid after coloring your hair to prevent hair fall and maintain the color's vibrancy. These include:

  • Washing your hair too soon: It's best to wait at least 24-48 hours before washing your hair after coloring it. This gives the color enough time to set and prevents it from fading too quickly.

  • Using hot water: As mentioned earlier, hot water can strip your hair of its color and natural oils. Stick to lukewarm or cool water when washing your colored hair.

  • Over-washing your hair: Washing your hair every day can dry out your scalp and cause damage. Try to limit washing your hair to every other day or even less frequently if possible.

  • Using too much heat styling: As with washing, using heat styling tools every day can be damaging to colored hair. Try to limit the use of hot tools and opt for air drying whenever possible.

  • Skipping regular maintenance: Colored hair requires proper care and maintenance to keep it healthy and vibrant. Skipping regular trims and treatments can lead to damaged hair and faded color.

By following these tips, you can help prevent hair fall after coloring your hair and maintain its health and vibrancy. Remember, it's important to give your hair some extra care and attention after coloring to keep it looking its best. So before you reach for that box of hair dye, make sure to follow these tips and consult a professional if necessary. Take care of your colored hair, and it will continue to look beautiful for weeks to come.


Can I color my hair if it's damaged?

It is not recommended to color your hair if it is already severely damaged. It's best to consult a professional for an assessment and appropriate treatment before attempting to color your hair.

Are there any natural ways to prevent hair fall after coloring?

Yes, you can try using henna or other natural dyes instead of chemical ones that cause hair loss. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet and reducing stress can also help with hair fall.

How often should I touch-up my roots?

It depends on hair health, how fast your hair grows and the contrast between your natural hair color and the color you chemical hair dyes it. On average, root touch-ups are needed every 4-6 weeks.

Is it necessary to use color-safe products?

Yes, using color-safe products is highly recommended to maintain the vibrancy and longevity of your hair color. Regular shampoos and conditioners can strip the hair of its color, causing it to fade quicker. It's also important to use sulfate-free products to avoid further damage to your colored hair.

Can I go lighter or darker with my hair color after coloring it?

Yes, you can change your hair color after dyeing it, but it's best to consult a professional to ensure the process hair dyeing is done properly and without causing excessive damage. They can also help recommend the best products for maintaining your new hair color.


Colored hair requires special care and attention to maintain its health, vibrancy, and prevent hair fall. By taking precautionary measures and avoiding common mistakes, you can keep your colored hair looking beautiful for weeks to come. And when it's time for a touch-up or change, trust the professionals at Salon Haze to help achieve your desired look without damaging your hair.

Also, don't forget to show your hair some love by using color-safe and sulfate-free products. Remember, healthy hair is beautiful hair! So take care of your colored hair and enjoy your new vibrant locks. Thank you again for choosing Salon Haze, and we can't wait to see you at your next appointment!=

Salon Haze is an award-winning hair salon in Vancouver, Kitsilano area. We are specialists in colour and style. If you are considering a new colour or style for your hair, contact us, and we’ll talk you through all the options to ensure your choice of colour reflects your personality and complexion.

Call today for a free consultation with one of our stylists. We have the best hairdressers and the best hair colourists in Vancouver. Call now at 604-620-9986 or email us at

David McAlinden