Grease Lightning: Mastering the Battle Against Greasy, Oily Hair!


Are you one of those people who have grown tired of dealing with oily hair? Trust us; you are not the only one! There is almost no person who hasn't complained to us that their freshly washed locks start looking greasy just a few hours later. But don't worry; with the right know-how, you can keep your hair looking fabulously fresh and grease-free all day long.

Wondering how this is even possible. Stay with us and master the art of combating oily hair with our fun and engaging tips!

Sebum Shenanigans: Unraveling the Mystery of Greasy Hair Build-Up!

Ah, the age-old question: why does sebum build up at all? It's all about that magical substance known as sebum. The explanation is quite simple: our bodies secrete it to keep our hair and skin hydrated.

Some of us are lucky enough to have scalps that are perfectly balanced and produce just the right amount of sebum to keep the hair looking healthy and shiny. But what about others, the less fortunate ones? Well, let's just say their scalp is a little more enthusiastic about sebum production.

There are numerous reasons why people can find themselves in this awkward situation, but hormonal imbalances, genetics, diet, and even the environment can be blamed the most. However, there is no need to be concerned if you are constantly dealing with oily hair because we can assure you that sebum is actually necessary for healthy hair - it just needs to be kept in check. Find out below how to get rid of greasy hair and achieve the luscious locks you deserve!

Top 3 Sneaky Tricks to Prevent Hair from Getting Oily

#1. Suds & Sensibility: Shampooing Strategies for Fighting Greasy Hair

As you are probably aware, smart hair shampooing is essential for avoiding greasy hair. Using products that weren't intended for this rather demanding type of hair or over-washing, which is also a common mistake, can strip the scalp of its natural oils, causing it to overproduce sebum in response. 

We are assuming you already know where this is going: this excess oil then leads to the dreaded greasy hair look.

This is exactly why we recommend that you spend some time researching which shampoo is best for your scalp. Take a look at this article; it might come in handy.

#2. Styling Lighter, Shining Brighter: The Lowdown on Defeating Greasy Hair with Lightweight Products

This is where we have to tell you to put down those heavy styling products and listen up! Take a moment and think, if you already have a little oiliness in your hair, adding more product to it is like throwing gasoline on a fire, right? It won't help you; in fact, it will make things worse!

However, this doesn't imply that you will never use hair styling products again; all you have to do is be smart. Specifically, while it may appear to be an impossible mission to find, the market is currently brimming with various lightweight styling products that can help you achieve your desired look without weighing down your hair or making it look like you haven't washed it in weeks. 

Look for water-based products that won't leave a heavy residue, and enjoy the magic! If you are unsure about your choice, come to our salon and speak with one of our stylists. Please contact us during open hours or via email at

#3. Greasy Food, Greasy Hair: Poor Diet Affects Sebum Production!

Some of you wouldn't connect these two things together, but poor diet has a very big impact on causing greasy hair. To be honest, it's very easy to suspect that when you eat greasy, fatty foods on a regular basis, your body produces more sebum, which can (and probably will) cause your hair to look greasy and unkempt.

If you follow the first two rules and still don't see results, we recommend that you start watching your diet and opt for healthier, nutrient-rich foods instead. Don't worry; we understand how difficult it is to find time to cook in this hectic world, but at least try incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and lean protein into your diet and limit your intake of greasy, fried foods.

Therefore, the next time you pass by your favourite restaurant and breathe in the aroma of a perfectly baked burger or pizza, reconsider and opt for a fresh salad instead. You know what? Your hair, skin, and waistline will thank you!

Goodbye Grease, Hello Gorgeous: Wrapping It Up

Dealing, or in other words battling, with oily hair on a daily basis can be quite a frustrating and exhausting experience. But don't give up because it's a battle that can be won with a few smart hair care strategies. From shampooing smart to avoiding heavy styling products and watching your diet, there are many effective yet so simple methods to keep your hair looking fresh and oil-free.

As a result, with a little effort, love, and attention, you can have perfect hair, the kind you truly deserve! Our experts can help you with anything else! Please take a look at some of the services available in our salon by clicking here.

Salon Haze is an award-winning hair salon in Vancouver, Kitsilano area. We are specialists in colour and style. If you are considering a new colour for your hair, contact us, and we’ll talk you through all the options to ensure your choice of colour reflects your personality and complexion.

Call today for a free consultation with one of our stylists. We have the best hairdressers and the best hair colourists in Vancouver. Call now at 604-620-9986 or email us at

David McAlinden