Color Lingo: Key Terms to Know When Talking to Your Hair Colorist


Have you ever found yourself entangled in a maze of colour jargon at the salon? Fear not, for at Salon Haze, we believe in guiding you through the vibrant vocabulary of hair colouring. 

Our seasoned colorists are not just skilled with the brush but are also adept at translating your colour desires into the language of locks. 

How do you tell your colorist what you want?

Communication is the cornerstone of achieving the colour of your dreams. Here are some tips:

  • Pictures Speak Louder: Bring pictures of the colour you desire. It's a visual guide for our colorists.

  • Know Your History: Share your hair history, including past colour treatments, to help our colorists understand what they're working with.

  • Speak Up: Don't hesitate to ask questions or voice any concerns. We're here to ensure you're comfortable and informed throughout your colour journey.

Color Talk: Your Glossary to Vibrant Expressions

Highlight Techniques

Highlights and lowlights are like the sun and shade of your hair garden, adding contrast, depth, and texture. Here's how we sprinkle the sunshine and cast the shadows at Salon Haze:

Traditional Foil Highlighting

Your hair is meticulously sectioned, and each strand is colour-treated with precision, ensuring the hues sit exactly where they should.


Embrace the art of freehand colouring as our experts sweep the colour gently along your hair, creating a natural, blended look.

Gradient Glam: Ombre and Sombre

Whether you fancy a dramatic dusk or a subtle sunrise, our ombre and sombre techniques seamlessly blend dark roots into light tips, mimicking a natural sun-kissed effect.

Gloss Over

Seeking a subtle tint or a colour enhancement? Our hair gloss treatment not only adds a tint but also closes the cuticle, resulting in stronger, shinier, and frizz-free hair.


Let's hit the spotlight with splashlights, creating a streak of colour that simulates a beam of light shining down on your hair, a look that's as unique as yours.


Rekindle your youthful glow with babylights, a subtle colouring technique aiming to mimic the natural hair-lightening effect seen in children.


Our seasoned colorists are here to guide you through the vibrant journey of hair colouring, ensuring not just an endearing look but an enjoyable experience. 

Step into Salon Haze, articulate your colour desires with ease and watch the magic unfold as our experts translate your colour dreams into a reality.

Salon Haze is an award-winning hair salon in Vancouver, Kitsilano area. We are specialists in colour and style. If you are considering a new colour or style for your hair, contact us, and we’ll talk you through all the options to ensure your choice of colour reflects your personality and complexion.

Call today for a free consultation with one of our stylists. We have the best hairdressers and the best hair colourists in Vancouver. Call now at 604-620-9986 or email us at

David McAlinden